Great news...

...this training is currently being updated! We're updating the training to reflect social isolation in the post pandemic world and expand the training to cover the impact of loneliness. 

Do you have experiences of social isolation and loneliness that you'd be happy to share? We try to ensure our training and supporting content reflects real experiences so if you have a few minutes to spare, please share your experiences using our online survey

About the course

A brief introduction to social isolation. In 5 to 10 minutes, you will learn how social isolation affects our mental health and how to step up and help someone who feels isolated.

Whilst the training was developed to support people during the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning from this training course can be used to support anyone who is socially isolated.

Who it’s for

The training is recommended for anyone aged 16 and over.

What you’ll learn

Through the training, you will learn how:

  • Social isolation affects our mental health
  • To help someone who is feeling socially isolated.

How long it will take

This training takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete and includes a certificate on completion.

The Social Isolation Training (previously called step up) launched June 2020.