How we use your feedback

We’re always grateful for the feedback we receive. We use your feedback a number of ways:

  • We use it to help us improve and develop our courses
  • We use it to support bids for funding so we can do more around suicide awareness and prevention
  • We use it to share the voice of our audiences and help promote our training
  • We use it to evaluate, measure and monitor what we’re doing

What your feedback has shared

Between April 2023 to March 2024, your feedback has shared that as a result of taking our training:

felt more confident to recognise signs that someone may be struggling with suicidal thoughts
felt more confident to talk to someone if they thought they may be struggling with suicidal thoughts


would recommend our training to others
rate the training as excellent or good.


Share your feedback

Please complete the short survey to let us know how you found our training...

1. Which training did you take? [select as many courses as you've done] Required
2. Do think you’d be more able to see the signs of someone struggling with suicidal thoughts as a result of taking the training? Required
3. If you knew someone was feeling suicidal, do you feel confident that you could talk to them about it as a result of taking the training? Required
6. How would you rate the training? Required
7. Would you recommend the training to others? Required
9. Are you happy for us to use your feedback to support promotion of the ZSA training? Required
10. Would you be happy for us to contact you about your feedback? Required